Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Burn Baby Burn

So day 3 of running down! Really it's only supposed to be day 2 but I jumped on the treadmill yesterday for 10 minutes just to do something at least. So this morning waking up at 5:30 would have actually been sleeping in for me. For some reason I was wide awake at 3:30! I didn't go to bed till 10 pm so what's up with the early rise? Hopefully not a side effect to running.

So even though we are still in the 1st week of this running thing, I definitely did better today than Monday. I have to admit the idea of running a 5k straight through without stopping seems almost impossible, but I'm gonna hang in there and see if it's true. I guess I could always tie a rope around me and Dave and he could just drag me if needed lol.

So the 1st set of run/walk patterns I did great, felt great, didn't need to look at the stopwatch for time, oh ya this is gonna be a breeze. Ya right! By the middle of it I was watching the time begging for the minute to be done so I could stop and pray the burning in my calves would end! I'm so not used to this and neither are my calves for sure! 

I can't help but wonder how these people on biggest loser who are seriously out of shape and extremely over weight can handle running the way the trainers push them on the show. I would die if I was put to that I'm convinced. But I'll give myself the pat on the back for surviving again today and remind myself it's just the beginning. 

Crazy thing with me is, even though I know I just started, I find myself getting on the scale searching for a change and trying on clothes to see if they fit different yet. Yes I am one of those people that needs instant gratification. Apparently I totally don't grasp the metaphor in the story of the tortoise and the hare. I always expect to be the exception to the rule I guess, ya I really crack myself up!

Dave of course did just as good today as before. However I was happy to hear him a tiny bit out of  breath at one point today. I was almost giggling on the inside thinking, ya that's right you better be gasping for air! He wasn't, but at least he was a little winded. I just want to slap him because he makes it look so easy, and for him it is, the big butt head lol. But lucky for me I am a competitive person and stubborn so I'm looking forward to matching him and then beating him. Not sure what I'm going to beat him at, but I'll find something I'm sure. I guess a little friendly competition between couples is ok right? 



  1. You can do it! And yes, competition between you and Dave is a good thing! As for the Biggest Loser, you only see the parts they want you to see. I'm sure it isn't they way it's shown in the beginning. We only see what is viewer worthy.

    Connie, you also have a great flair for writing. I hope you keep this blog up even after the race. You crack me up!



  2. ok, so Skip and Dave must be related. The last time Skip and I tried running together...we had to quit because if we didn't I was going to kill him. This is his idea of running "together"...he runs as fast as he can to the next telephone pole and waits for me to get there then, repeat...what the crap?! So I said no thanks, go ride your bike with your friends.
