Monday, November 1, 2010

Sometimes a girl just needs a new pair of Shoes!

Some how in the busyness of my crazy weekend I had time to get a new pair of running shoes. Thank God I did because this mornings run was great! My calves did great and didn't burn at all like before. I felt more secure in my footing and was able to run faster and stronger. Didn't increase my time intervals but there is a reason for that.

It's funny how something so simple, like a new pair of shoes, can totally change the outlook on something, or in my case just about everything! I went to bed last night dreading the 5:30 alarm that was set to go off this morning no matter if I wanted it to or not. I had fallen asleep with thoughts of how I was going to get out of having a Monday all together. I had one of the busiest weekends without much time to stop and sit except for when I was driving from one commitment to the next and the thought of everything I needed to get done today was just enough to make me want to hit snooze until Monday had passed.

Luckily the alarm clock is on Dave's side of the bed though. So when the alarm went off and he nudged me to wake up, I responded with "leave me alone". 5 minutes later when the snooze cycle ended, he nudged me again and I crawled out of bed annoyed by my husband and his commitment to follow through with this running in the morning crap. Who does he think he is anyways, doesn't he realize that I was planning on bailing on myself today and wanted to do what I always do with the promises that I make myself and quit!

But the irritated and annoyed person I am when I'm way too tired got up, got dressed, put on the new running shoes and headed out the door determined to make his morning just as miserable as he had made mine so far. So ignoring any conversation he was trying to have with me while getting ready to run and choosing to stretch, warm up and run separately from him I started my, pitiful it's way to early in the morning and  now it's really cold out run.

First lap of running I start wondering if the calves not burning yet was because of the 2 days off for the weekend or if it was the shoes. But wow I sure am running faster and I kinda feel stronger in my strides. Second lap and I'm thinking hum still no burning and I'm feeling really good, can the shoes really be doing the trick? Each lap of running I start realizing I'm actually enjoying myself, I'm not feeling any pain in the legs at all! 

Suddenly my up too early, bratty annoyed self is switching into a feeling awake, happy to be up and running mood. If it wasn't for the cold air burning my lungs, and the fact that it was time to get the kids ready for school, I think I could have stayed out this morning a lot longer. So I finally decide I'm going to acknowledge Dave's presence and say we need to end the run and go inside, but that I think we should run again tonight because I didn't feel like I did as good as I could have so I want to try again later.

Yep, I guess mama really did need a new pair of shoes! If Dave was smart he would learn from this and take me shoe shopping more often! Word to the wise, new shoes = new attitude! He he he, sometimes I crack myself up!


  1. I love it!!! The right shoes do make a world of difference. Awesome!!

  2. I love that Dave isn't letting you slack off! Go Dave!!! Keep it up and you'll do well on that 5K race. I'm so glad the shoes helped! Love you very much!
