Sunday, October 24, 2010

Another one of my "Great Idea's!"

Blogging, sure why not, I don't have enough to do right? But I commit to things all the time thinking I'll have enough time to do it all. Then I wonder why I never have enough hours in the day to get stuff done. So what's just one more thing anyways. Hey it should be easy, it's another way of talking right? At that I'm an expert! 

 A year ago I decided I was going to start running again. Why? Because I love it ish, truth, because my friends do it. I used to run all the time, and I was good at it, so this should be like riding a bike right? Oh how I hope I'm right.....

So the first 4 months of the year had me planted on my butt because of a broken ankle, 2 months of freedom, then another 4 months of butt planting because of another health issue. So clean bill of health = getting back out there doing what I wanted to do a year ago and pray I survive!

My husband said he would run now with me, oh this is going to get interesting and entertaining! But I'm excited, so we do the shopping for proper shoes and clothes, map out the route, get the training schedule all planned out and at 5:30 tomorrow morning - ready or not here we RUN! Ready or not, like it or not, because I have committed us to run a 5k in January! And even dumber than that, I've told people we were running in it so there is no turning back now. Oh ya, sometimes I crack myself up.......


  1. Good job Connie. Yes I would like to blog as well. Even got a JOB doing & didn't follow through. Hhhmmmm I hope you can do better than I did. Heehee

  2. If anyone can do this, it's you! I've seen you do more than most once you make up your mind.

    I can't wait to be on the sidelines watching you run. You go girl!
